Monday, March 17, 2008

Another Learning Experience

Well, my 'divorce' site didn't go too well. It got disapproved from Google, well not actually disapproved but all keywords had a minimum of $10.00 bid. That is Google's way of saying your ad is totally inappropriate for the keywords you are bidding on.

So, I've decided to try another approach. I am getting PLR Articles sent to me daily from:

There are 5 articles each day. The articles are full of poor grammar. I will edit them to make sense, set them up on a web page, optimize the page for a set of keywords, and put some AdSense up on them. I will report how they are doing on this Blog. I have a feeling that this is going to be a lot of work but this is my goal for now.

If I can't get 5 pages up a day then I will do as many as possible. The biggest time consumer is the Keyword Research. Although Keyword Elite makes it much faster there are still some limits to what it can do. I will be creating a separate keyword list for each web page. So, I am going to have to limit the research that I do for each one. Here are some guidelines that I'll follow for now. They will be adjusted as I go along.

  1. 200 word list using Google's Suggestion Tool option in Keyword Elite.
  2. optimize for the best terms (I will clarify this more tomorrow)
  3. report previous days stats for top performing pages

I'll be back tomorrow for more on profiting with the AdSense Arbitrage model!

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