Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Using the Ideas of The Gurus

To get started in internet marketing, according to many internet gurus is to build a website. I am using to build my site. I went to their site and followed the links to get a website. It goes through the steps necessary to build a simple website. Go to to see how it is turning out.

Next you need to get some information. The information I have recieved through buying or just searches on google. They all seem to recommend selling other people's stuff as an affiliate. That is part of what this site is about.

I have integrated some techniques here that I have learned about. I have a website that collects email adresses for my list. I plan to set up some sort of newsletter or free stuff that I find helpful, all the while giving opportunities to buy products that I get a commision from.

Another technique to use is to put links to your pages on many pages on the internet that link back to your website or affiliate links. For example, I used a product called Autopilot Profits and signed up as an affiliate. They gave me a link to get paid when someone buys this product from this link:

Now that I just put that link in there that makes that site more relevent in keyword searches on the search engines or on adwords. I am not too sure how the search engines work but what I gather is that the more sites your website is linked to the more chances a search in a relevent category as your site puts your site at the top of the searches. The top sites get most of the views. The more views you get the more possible customers to buy from you.

There are also pay-per-click advertising methods. I use adwords because it is the biggest and supposedly the most profitable. The Autopilot Profits program that I mentioned earlier gives plenty of information on how to use adwords and they also give you some special report where

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