Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Next Attempt

I have spent the last five or six hours reading about making money online. I bought a program called Autopilot Profits. I like the information given in this book and the program it gives you to follow in order to become successful in the arena of internet marketing. Like many of the other programs out there it is also an affiliate marketing program. The idea is pretty clear to me now. In order to make money online as an internet marketer you must either create a product that tells others how to make money online and get them to sell it for you as an affiliate of yours, or you become an affiliate and sell the works of others.

I believe that it helps motivate you to see the success of others and to model what they are doing, logically, should bring you success also. So, as I read through the countless sales pitches, free information and inexpensive instruction manuals I find that there are two paths to wealth. The easier one seems to be to sell the works of others as an affiliate and earn a commission while learning the techniques necessary to create your own successful product. The other option is a bit tougher and will take more time to become profitable is to simply develop a product, take it to market and implement some of the techniques the gurus are all raving about and eventually turn a profit.

If you would like to see the Autopilot Profits program go to:

I recommend this product, of course because if you buy it I get a commission, but also because if you are new to internet marketing it gives you precise instructions on getting started and getting profitable very quickly.

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