Thursday, July 19, 2007

Goal Setting

Since this Blog is about the things I am doing to make money I would like to share some of the things I've been learning. Almost every program that you pay money for dives first thing into setting goals for yourself. I have made tons of goals for myself. I haven't achieved many of my goals in the financial arena. If you are reading this then one of two things are likely to be the case with you:

1. You are like me and need to make some money without working too hard, or
2. You are crazy bored and have nothing better to do.

For the first group I have to say that it takes time to get things done. I am finding out that you mjust be patient. You must also be persistent. I am very patient. I have been waiting thirty-one years to actually buckle down and give it my all to make money. I don't want to wait another thirty-one years to be financially independant. I constantly read all these generic sales pages telling me how easy it is to make money online. I admit I have fallen for more than enough of these scams and still haven't made a dime for my efforts.

For the second group, just keep reading, maybe you'll find something helpful or exciting here. I know that it is possible to make good money online but I am just not sure how to do it without spending the same amount of money that you would by starting a brick and mortar business. So, discounting all the previous trials and errors, I have spent $27 for the product found at It is pretty informative and gives lots of ways to make money online. I have also spent around $13 on google adwords. I haven't made any money yet. My next venture is going to be ebay.

Back to goal setting. I have made ridiculous goals in the past. Things like make one million dollars this year or make 10 sales tomorrow but they were unrealistic to me when I made them and made me feel less like trying because I knew I would never achieve them. So, what I am going to do is make less outrageous goals, set my sights on them and get them done.

So, here are my goals for this week:

1. Work five hours on creating blogs and website additions.
2. Find a forum that has some information to help me with my website (This is another one of those techniques to get noticed by the search engines)
3. Love my Wife!

I am sure I can accomplish these goals. I will update this blog on the 26th of July and let everyone know if I did what I set myself up to do. My suggestion to you is to do something similar. Set yourself up to win. Don't make goals that you aren't sure you can complete. If you know that you can accomplish the goal at hand then there are no excuses for not coming through. If your goal is to make $10 million tomorrow afternoon and you know you can do it then why are you reading this? Just kidding. Just make small goals that you know will happen then make them tougher as you accomplish them. Build your confidence first.

I know I will make the millionaire's club one day. I have a target but I am not ready yet otherwise it would be so. I am aiming right now. I must first make a dollar, then I will make $100...$1000...$10,000...$100,000... and then I will be ready for payday. I am struggling. I won't make my life seem like more than it is and I will let you know when it does become more and how I got it that way.

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