Friday, October 3, 2014

What Should I Offer My Subscriber List To Opt-in?

I recently purchased a video training course for $14.87. It was mostly about how you can make money selling solo ads. It goes in depth about how to build websites and set up autoresponders. The goal is to have a constant flow of fresh leads being added to your list to keep the ads in front of new and responsive customers. So you need to be building your own list while helping others build theirs too. The course was good for the price but it leaves a little too much up to me to figure out. I have decided that I am going to document my path to making money by selling and buying Solo Ads.

First thing I am going to do is develop a business plan in detail and offer this as a free gift for signing up to my list. I want a list that will be able to trust me so I need to work with other trustworthy marketers. Since I have spent so much money on so many programs that I couldn't stick with long enough to to make them work I am going to expend minimal cash to get this business going. That means a marketing budget of zero. So, in order to pay for my own Solo Ads I must first sell enough for others to be able to afford my own.

The program I invested in comes with a tracking spreadsheet that I will definitely need. I am pretty bad at keeping records. I don't know why but even as a student I hated to record results of experiments. I am fine with performing the experiment as long as some one else records the results. It is a habit I need to change if I am going to succeed. The angle I am going to begin working is the middle man. I am going to buy leads cheap and sell them for more. I feel odd doing this. I figure why doesn't the person I am selling to just go directly to the seller I'm buying from? Then I read that it is ok because it is the same as a large company like Target that puts their own brand on many different products, that they didn't create, and sell them for a profit.

My next internal objection or fear of getting started is the idea of having to answer questions during the whole exchange process and not being able to as a newbie. Then I realized that I am also going to be a customer and I can just relay the question to the seller. This business is almost running itself. Now is the technical stuff. This is the stuff that you can get through free youtube videos such as setting up a domain and website, getting an autoresponder and building a squeeze page.

The first order of business is to have a plan to follow. I want to sell ads so I need a webpage with a list of my offers and a means to collect payment. I already have a Paypal account so I'll use it for creating payment options. I am going to do some more searches on some of the current sellers and get ideas on how to market effectively. Some marketers seem to have a lot of ads in the same Facebook groups, one right after the other. I think I will try and spread my ads out through many groups as my first marketing campaign.

Once I have orders coming in I need to be able to track and splittest different tactics and see what will most benefit my bottom line. I need to learn how to use tracking codes on my offers. Most programs such as autoresponders and website tracking software have instructions on howto do it. I may stumble around abit in the beginning but I am going to get started right away.

I just realized another fear I have about not being able to respond to inquiries fast enough. Then I realized that modern technology has me covered with auto email alerts on my cell phone. The more I try and sabotage myself with worry and fear of failure the more I realize that this can work and I will find out first hand if it doesn't.

Once I earn enough to buy my own leads I am going to give them a copy of some of my blog posts, edited for actionable content, when they sign up to my list. I am going to refer to it as an email newsletter or something a little softer than customer list. I don't want to be on someones customer list but I am on many. A lot of them are also people I've bought product from in the past. So, I am their customer. I stay on their list in case they are sending out updates that rarely ever happen but I am really on there so they can market to me. I have some examples of emails that I have opened and read and felt compelled to action. They are good examples of what works in email marketing.

My log of what actions I take to be able to profit from selling Solo Ads is going to be my incentive to join my email newsletter. I am going to put up a sign up form on this page too. It will be good to read even if I don't make it to super stardom hood because then you'll at least know what not to do! For now I am going to go over and set up a page to sell Solo Ads. I am going to paypal to set up some payment buttons and then I am going to setup a page with the buttons on it. Since I have no testimonials I am going to leave them out or I may use something from the person I'm buying from. I don't really have much faith in using someone else's testimonials because I don't know how true they are. So I will leave them out until I have them for real.

I saw some marketers solicit testimonials by offering a discount. I will implement this technique in my marketing strategy. On my order page I will add a discount button for testimonials. That will be a good incentive to buy from me and it will help me build credibility quickly, and if the reviews are good I will gain some confidence as well. Now I am off to put my own suggestions to work!

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