Monday, February 18, 2008

My first big break!

I just started a website that gives away keyword lists. I have 9 subscribers, which may be no big deal to most people but it is huge to me. I have never built a list of 9 subscribers in less than a week before. Next is to get some sales. I use Keyword Elite to generate the keyword lists and I mention it and its benefits a lot with links all over the place to my affiliate page. I also incorporated another affiliate link into the scheme of things by taking a daily PLR article site and researching the keywords that the articles are written about. It seemed like a good idea but the past two days have not revealed very profitable niches. At least they don't seem very profitable from the small amount of research I've done on them. I ran a small AdWords campaign today and got a few clicks but my ad was poor and my click through rate was embarrassingly low. I need to work on developing a better plan before launching another campaign. I did find a low competition market for Antler Ball Point Pens though.

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