Saturday, February 9, 2008

Focus Is Paying Off

I haven't posted anything for a while because I've been busy. I have been focusing on AdSense Arbitrage methods for creating cashflow. I am way negative because of a mistake but I am refining my attempts and I am getting better and better results. Today I have reduced the cost of my AdWords campaign to close to my AdSense earnings. It is still costing me more than I am earning but that is changing rapidly. The mistake I made was setting my cost per click to high on AdWords. I made the most AdSense income that day but the it was annihilated by my AdWords cost. I was spending about $7 to make $1, OUCH! Today I am spending about $1.08 and earning a dollar. Not good but much better. There are times throughout the day that I am ahead on my earnings but as I am writing this I am a little behind. I will make up for it by the end of the day.

While I am working this arbitrage method of AdSense income I have to spend time studying results. The results take time to occur so I am trying to utilize this time to effectively create another income stream. I have decided that I am a loyal customer of the Callen Brothers, Brad and Matt, and will actively promote their products. Of course, I will recommend only the ones I have used. Keyword Elite is very powerful software. There Niche Revolutions Website is also a great place to learn to generate income.

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