Friday, March 28, 2008

My plan seems to be working

I have had a little success today. I succeeded at generating free traffic. I have made the most money from AdSense to date, granted it is only about $4.50. My actual earnings were $6.61 but AdWords cost me a little over $2. The site that I got free traffic was about 5 times more profitable than all of the traffic I paid for.

The IContentRobot seems to be working for me. I have been spending some time setting up accounts with as many article directories as possible. I have been using a feature from SEO Elite that allows me to submit one article to many different directories in a much quicker method than doing each one by hand.

I think I am going to go back to using my old directory submitter software. It is made by the same guy, Brad Callen, who created SEO Elite. There are some features on the article submitter program that are not available on the SEO Elite software. The only problem is I don't have all of my information saved on the right software. This will take me a little while to accomplish, makes a lot of today's work pointless but I had to try something to find out I didn't like it.

I published an article to 10 different sites today. I also registered for a bunch of directory sites. That is going to save me so much time. I don't have to spend time writing content anymore, it is so awesome. I have faith in this method of advertising. I am going to feel like an ass if today was just a fluke, but I still feel good right now.

I also made a new blog post with an instantly created article and I also emailed my list. I tried to have them read this blog or go to the IContentRobot site. This is one program that I feel is a must. The other stuff will work but it takes time to get to know the software. This is an easy way to get traffic to your site and start making money with AdSense. Once I see a little more evidence of the profitability of this software I am going to add some affiliate products to my sites and see how that works.

Maybe, when I am making enough money to quit my job, I will put together a guide that talks about making money on the internet. This is getting better and better, I am really excited right now. I have a funny feeling in my stomach, in a good way. I am going to be financially free real soon!

Tomorrow is Saturday. I have plenty of time to work on this advertising method. The one site that I had success with made more than $5 for me today. I spent the majority of the day promoting that site. I am devising a new plan. A new goal set:
  1. Generate enough money to replace my job income
  2. Generate more free time by getting more efficient
  3. Set short term goals

Now for the short term goals:

  1. Spend the time on a website's promotion to get it generating $5 per day
  2. Don't spend more than 3 days on one site, if it isn't making me $5/day I need to move on. The logic here is to create many different income streams. After a little I plan on having quite a few websites. Even if the sites I pay attention to for 3 days don't generate me tons of income they are still out there working for me for free.
  3. I will be monitoring daily just about everything possible on my new sites, the ones that are generating traffic the best will be modified to include some sort of affiliate products. Of course I will be trying different things here in the near future and hopefully I will find the best way to make things work.

I am working hard, sometimes 6-12 hours a day on this business. I have been doing this for quite some time now. This is the best I've felt about my internet business success. I can't wait to have this thing set on autopilot!

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