Thursday, January 12, 2012

Can You Really Get Private Money Loans?

Can an ordinary person like me get a loan from a stranger to buy real estate? If I could how would I do it? What should I expect to pay for the money and what do I need to do to convince someone that I am the real deal?

These are some of the questions I have and I have no answers for just yet. I guess I'll just have to go out and find some answers. There are more questions too, like who has the money to lend, what kind of deals are they lending on? Can I borrow money at one rate and lend it out at a higher rate? Do I need a license to do these types of loans? Is it a good idea to start a business to do these transactions?

I have been doing a little research and I have found tons of optimized pages giving out info but I haven't seen any real authority sites or people who have any real info to share. It would be nice to have a real forum where you could discuss and share experiences with getting private money and maybe a portal where people could easily find each other when in need of money or in need of a secure and profitable parking space for cash.

I do have a website that I could use to put some discussion topics like this on. It is a local site though. It could be specific for the Las Vegas area. It will discuss some of these problems I am facing and see if anyone out there that is having success is wiling to share with the rest of us.